20th Annual Armenian Youth Foundation Golf Tournament Set for Monday, June 24, 2019
Watertown, MA – The Armenian Youth Foundation Board of Directors announced that its annual golf tournament will return to the legendary Franklin Country Club in Franklin, MA on Monday, June 24, 2019. Franklin CC has hosted countless prestigious LPGA, MGA and USGA events over the years. Most golfers know the course for it signature hills, undulating greens, and meandering creeks, but golfers of Armenian descent also recognize the course for its views of A.Y.F. Camp Haiastan from the 14th green.
The golf tournament is a cornerstone fundraising event for the Armenian Youth Foundation each year, which allows the organization to continue to offer financial support to a wide range of worthwhile organizations benefiting Armenian-American youth. Recent beneficiaries of the Foundation include:
Armenian Youth Federation of America
St. Stephen’s Armenian Elementary School, Watertown, MA
Detroit Hamazkayin Arax Dance Ensemble, Detroit, MI
Watertown Boys & Girls Club, Watertown, MA
Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School, Bayside, NY
Foursomes are available to individual participants as well as to corporate sponsors. The tournament will feature three divisions of players scheduled for a 12:00 pm shotgun start. Registration and access to Franklin Country Club’s driving range and practice facility begins at 10:30 am.
In addition to the awards for divisional champions, closest to the pin, and longest drive, the golf committee is also planning an awards dinner, prize raffle and live auction following the Tournament.
For more information on the event, email us at golf@armenianyouthfoundation.org.